Monday, April 27, 2020


April is coming to an end.  I would like to get an update on how things are going at home and what kind of activities you're completing.  Everybody is doing a variety of learning activities at home and I would love to hear about them all!  Many students are completing their workbooks, some are involved in activities online and others are doing science experiments, gardening, cooking, dancing and a variety of other fabulous learning activities.  Keeping a daily/weekly journal of the things you do during the week would be great for writing practice. Take a photo of it at the end of the week and send it to me!

It was so wonderful to receive your photos this week.  Nice to see so many of you!!  If you would like to share a photo of the great things you are doing at home for the blog, send it to me through Remind or email.


Clayre and her brother Declan working together.

Izayah completing DLP

Henry and Ben are enjoying the outside with their sisters.

Jessica enjoying drawing

Calem doing a science experiment with an egg and vinegar

Drawing by Jessica

Drawing by Tykus

PJ/Jersey Day!

Hope everyone is doing well!  Check out the Kent Facebook Page for more photos!

The ministry of Education's website gives daily activity suggestions.

Mr. Laws is posting weekly music lessons on his blog:    

If looking for something different to do don't forget to check out the educational websites listed under pages.